Being distraction-free while driving plays a huge part in a person driving aware; however, there are more things you can do to educate yourself and fully understand what driving aware really means. It’s about understanding and being aware of policies such as car rental coverage, insurance coverage for buying or trading in a vehicle, motorist coverage, and much more. Below are some tips of how you can drive more aware that you may not have known of.
When buying or trading in a vehicle, it’s important to call your agent to make the change. Do it yourself so you know that the insurance agency was notified. This way, you don’t have to worry about whether or not the car dealership called your agent and handled it for you properly.
If you plan on renting a car, it’s always a good idea to purchase the comprehensive and collision coverage from the rental car company, even if your auto insurance limits apply to the rental car for the same limits they carry on your primary vehicle policy. Your current auto insurance policy may have exclusions or limitations on diminished value if the vehicle was to be wrecked. This way with the C&C coverage, if the rental car company comes back to you for the diminished value, you’ll be covered. Want more tips to understand your auto coverage better? Check out this video from our team: http://bit.ly/2zfSTyg.
Do you know the difference between Uninsured Motorist & Med Pay?
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage pays for damages that you are legally entitled to recover for your bodily injury when the person who hit you doesn’t have insurance, or doesn’t have adequate insurance. In general, this coverage provides what you would have received from the other person’s insurance company had that person been insured. Medical Payments coverage applies no matter who is at fault and covers the cost of reasonable and necessary medical care provided to you and/or your passengers as the result of a car accident.
With the rise in mobile phones technology and the use of social media, it has become more and more common to fall into the temptation to have your phone in hand while driving. According DMV.com, the leading cause of death in teens is texting and driving. Several states have laws against even having a mobile device in your hands while driving. It’s time to be distraction-free and make the roads a safer environment for everyone!
As you can see, there’s a lot more that goes into driving aware than just being distraction-free. Learn more about how you can drive aware by talking to our team. We are happy to answer any questions and help educate those about the importance of being aware.
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