Beat the Heat and Lower Your Electric Bill: Tips for a Cooler Louisiana Summer

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Home


Louisiana summers can be brutal, with scorching temperatures and high humidity levels that make temperatures of 90 degrees Fahrenheit feel like 100 degrees. 

As the mercury rises, so does your electricity bill. However, there are effective strategies you can implement to reduce your electricity consumption and save money. 

In this blog, we’ll explore tips on how to lower your electric bill in the summer, so you can enjoy a cooler Louisiana summer without breaking the bank.

Tips to Reduce Your Electric Bill in the Summer

Optimize Your Cooling System

For optimal energy savings, aim for a temperature setting that is as close to the outdoor temperature as possible while still maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. 

Consider using a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures based on occupancy. Set it to a higher temperature when nobody is home and lower it when you return home, so your AC doesn’t run unnecessarily when you’re away. 

Of course, if you have pets at home, make sure you set your thermostat to a temperature that is comfortable for them while you’re gone.

Regular maintenance of your air conditioning unit can also help keep it running smoothly during hotter months. 

Make sure to replace filters, check the refrigerant levels, and clean the cooling coils regularly, or call in a professional to perform an inspection for you. Dirty filters and neglected maintenance can impede airflow and increase energy consumption. 

Block Out the Sun

Blackout blinds, curtains, or drapes can block out direct sunlight and help you save energy. They prevent excess heat from entering your home and keep it cooler naturally. 

Completely closed and lowered blinds can reduce heat gain by up to 45%, while drapes can reduce heat by up to 33%. 

Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can enhance air circulation and create a pleasant breeze, making you feel cooler without relying solely on air conditioning. This allows you to set your thermostat a few degrees higher. 

Remember to only turn on your ceiling fans when you are at home, as they cool people, not rooms. Adjust the direction of your ceiling fan counterclockwise during summer months to make the air in the room feel cooler. Whenever possible, consider opening windows to allow for natural ventilation.

Proper Home Insulation

Cracks and openings can let cool air out and hot air in, which can increase the cost of cooling your home. Check for drafty windows and doors, and seal them with weather stripping or caulk. 

These measures will help maintain a consistent indoor temperature and prevent cool air from escaping. 

Be Smart About Appliance Usage

Try to limit the use of large appliances, such as the stove, dishwasher, washer, and dryer, during the hottest hours of the day or peak hours when the demand for cooling is highest. 

Instead, plan to use them early in the morning or in the evening when the temperatures are cooler to save money on your energy bill. 

Unplug Unused Electronics

Practice energy-saving habits, such as turning off or unplugging unused electronics and lights, as they contribute to unnecessary energy consumption.

Lowering your electric bill during a scorching Louisiana summer is possible. By implementing the tips outlined in this article, you can make sure that you stay comfortable all summer while also saving money. It’s a win-win for everyone! 

Read also: Caring for Your Car in the Summer

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